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Special Topics in Metallic Materials

Semester: 2

Course Code: TX5029701

Credits: 3

Required/Elective: Elective

EMI: Yes

Undergraduate/Graduate: Graduate

Course Objectives:

This course will explain the physical metallurgical behavior of metallic materials from three perspectives: processing, microstructures, and properties. It will briefly introduce the fundamental principles of microstructural changes in metallic materials and discuss the phenomena of heat treatment and annealing, as well as their applications for modification. In the latter part of the course, there will be a brief discussion on the basic theory and potential applications of novel electro-treatment and annealing technologies.


Outline of Lectures:

The following schedule may be rearranged as needed.

Chapter 0: Introduction to the Course

Chapter 1: Dislocations and the Effects on Properties of Materials (І)

Chapter 2:  Dislocations and the Effects on Properties of Materials (Ⅱ)

Chapter 3:  Grain Boundaries and the Effects on Properties of Materials

Chapter 4:  Thermal Annealing Phenomena and the Effects on Properties of Materials

Other: Electro-treatment: Basic Theories and Potential Applications

Other: Final oral presentation


Method of Instruction:

65% Lecture

35% Oral presentation



Reza. Abbaschian, Lara. Abbaschian, and Robert E. Reed-Hill, “Physical Metallurgy Principles,” 4th Edition, SI Edition, Cengage Learning.



William D. Callister, Jr. and David G. Rethwisch, "Callister's Materials Science and Engineering, 10th Edition," Global Edition, Wiley


Prof. Liang will also review the essential concepts in Chinese in every class in case some students have difficulty understanding the knowledge during English speaking.


1. Quiz 20% (Open-book)

2. Midterm exam 30% (Closed-book)

3. Attendance 20% (Survey on the “Final oral presentation” dates)

4. Final oral presentation 30%

Note  1: The questions for exams will 100% come from the ppt slides.

Note 2: The questions will be expressed in English, but the solutions to the questions can be answered in Chinese.

Note  3: The exam will be fundamental and straightforward. So, please don't cheat!

Note 4: The final oral presentation has clear grading criteria: (1) Presentation slide quality 45% (relevance to content and theme 15%, logical structure 15%, aesthetic layout 15%), (2) Oral presentation quality (clarity of speech 15%, smoothness of delivery 15%, clarity and simplicity 10%), (3) Other presentation aspects 15% (body language 15%, adherence to time limits -10%, reading from script -10%, presence of page numbers -5%, use of Chinese in slides -5%).



Office hours: Please feel free to email me anytime if you have questions.

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