X-ray Diffraction and Crystallography
Semester: 2
Course Code: TX5004701
Credits: 3
Required/Elective: Elective
EMI: Yes
Undergraduate/Graduate: Graduate
Course Objectives:
X-ray Diffraction and Crystallography introduces fundamental concepts in X-ray diffraction & Crystallography. Students who take this course will learn about (1) Crystallography: Geometry and Structures of Crystals, (2) Crystallography: Indexing of Crystals, (3) X-ray Diffraction: Properties of X-Rays, (4) X-ray Diffraction: Diffraction Theories, (5) X-ray Diffraction: Diffraction Methods, and (6) X-ray Diffraction: Intensities. There will also be practical XRD experiments in groups for students who take this course. This course will help the students to apply XRD techniques and realize the basic principles of them.
Outline of Lectures:
The following schedule may be rearranged as needed.
Chapter 0: Introduction to the Course
Chapter 1: Crystallography: Geometry and Structures of Crystals
Chapter 2: Crystallography: Indexing of Crystals
Chapter 3: X-ray Diffraction: Properties of X-Rays
Chapter 4: X-ray Diffraction: Diffraction Theories
Chapter 5: X-ray Diffraction: Diffraction Methods
Chapter 6: X-ray Diffraction: Intensities
Other: Radiation safety training (lectured by an industrial expert)
Other: Group practical XRD experiments
Method of Instruction:
60% Lecture
40% Group practical experiment
Bernard Dennis Cullity and Stuart R. Stock, “Elements of X-Ray Diffraction,” 3rd Edition, Pearson.
William D. Callister, Jr. and David G. Rethwisch, "Callister's Materials Science and Engineering, 10th Edition," Global Edition, Wiley.
Prof. Liang will also review the essential concepts in Chinese in every class in case some students have difficulty understanding the knowledge during English speaking.
1. Quiz 20% (Open-book)
2. Midterm exam 40% (Closed-book)
3. Attendance 20% (Survey on the “Group practical XRD experiments” dates)
4. Homework (SOP of XRD experiments and analyses) 20%
Note 1: The questions for exams will 100% come from the ppt slides.
Note 2: The questions will be expressed in English, but the solutions to the questions can be answered in Chinese.
Note 3: The exams will be fundamental and straightforward. So, please don't cheat!
1. Teaching assistants will help the XRD experiment practices.
2. Office hours: Please feel free to email me anytime if you have questions.