Thesis & Dissertation
Master thesis:8;Ph.D. dissertation:0
8. 王仁廷(2025/01)。2024 鋁合金電處理退火和析出行為之研究[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (中文撰寫)
Wang, Jen-Ting (2024). A Study of the Annealing and Precipitation Behaviors in 2024 Aluminum Alloys Induced by Electro-treatment [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Written in Chinese)
7. 陳杰甫(2025/01)。純鋁在電處理作用下的退火及潛變行為研究[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (中文撰寫)
Chen, Jie-Fu (2024). A Study of the Electrical Annealing and Creep Behavior in Pure Aluminum Induced by Electro-treatment [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Written in Chinese)
6. 陳庸華(2025/01)。探討冷軋鋁三鎂合金之電流誘發再結晶行為以及機械強度和抗腐蝕性的變化[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (英文撰寫)
Chen, Yung-Hua (2024). Investigations of Current-induced Recrystallization Behavior and Changes in Mechanical Strength and Corrosion Resistance in cold-rolled Al-3Mg Alloys [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Written in English)
5. 陳兆祺(2025/01)。電處理對冷軋銅鎳合金微結構、機械強度與腐蝕阻抗之研究[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (英文撰寫)
Chen, Jau-Chi (2024). Effects of Electro-treatment on the Microstructure, Mechanical Strength, and Corrosion Resistance in Cold-rolled Cu-45 wt% Ni Alloys [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Written in English)
4. 古旻(2024/07)。探討電處理對冷軋鎳鉻合金薄片退火行為之研究[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (中文撰寫)
Ku, Min (2024). Effects of Electro-Treatment on the Annealing Behavior in Cold-rolled Nickel-chromium Alloy Foils [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Written in Chinese)
3. 黃炫誠(2024/07)。新穎電處理對純銅的性質、微結構及結晶度探討之研究[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (英文撰寫)
Huang, Hsuan-Cheng (2024). Effects of Electro-Treatment on the Properties, Microstructure, and Crystallinity of Pure Cu [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Written in English)
2. 廖溯辰(2024/07)。施加電流對純銀箔帶晶粒成長中織構及晶界演化之影響[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (英文撰寫)
Liao, Su-Chen. (2024). Effects of Electric Current Stressing on the Texture and Grain Boundary Evolutions in Pure Silver Strips During Grain Growth [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.(Written in English)
1. 楊柏軒(2024/07)。新穎電退火處理對冷軋純鎳之晶粒成長行為影響:微結構、織構與性質研究[碩士論文]。國立臺灣科技大學。 (英文撰寫)
Yang, Pao-Hsuan (2024). Effects of Innovative Electrical Annealing Treatment on the Grain Growth Behavior in Cold-rolled Pure Nickel: A Study of Microstructure, Texture, and Properties [master’s thesis]. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Written in English)