Journal Articles
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Total number:25;First or corresponding author number:23/25;Top 10% ranking journal number:10/25
25. Kuan-Ju Shao, Meng-Chun Chiu, Chien-Lung Liang*, Min-Yan Tsai, Yung-Sheng Lin,Chen-Chao Wang, Chih-Pin Hung, Kwang-Lung Lin**, “An electromigration study of novel 3D Cu stack-via interconnects for advanced high-density fan-out packaging,” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 188 (2025) 109256. [DOI] (IF = 4.2; 89/353 (25.2%), ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 2023) Corresponding author
24. Ming-Hung Wu, Yung-Hua Chen, Meng-Chun Chiu, Chien-Lung Liang*, “Current-induced strengthening and softening behaviors in 7075 aluminum alloys with electro-treatment,” Materials Letters 377 (2024) 137378. [DOI] (SCIE, IF=2.7, 76/179 (42.5%), PHYSICS, APPLIED, 2023) Corresponding author
23. Yung-Hua Chen, Meng-Chun Chiu, Hsuan-Cheng Huang, Chien-Lung Liang*, “Development of a novel processing technique for cold-rolled Al-3 Mg aluminum alloys via athermally-enhanced electrical annealing,” Materials Letters 369 (2024) 136738. [DOI] (SCIE, IF=2.7, 76/179 (42.5%), PHYSICS, APPLIED, 2023), PHYSICS, APPLIED, 2022) Corresponding author
22. Meng-Chun Chiu, Min-Yan Tsai, Shan-Bo Wang, Yung-Sheng Lin, Chien-Lung Liang*, “Applications of Ni and Ag metallizations at the solder/Cu interfaces in advanced high-power automobile interconnects: An electromigration study,” Surface and Coatings Technology 484 (2024) 130828. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 5.3, 4/21 (19.0%), 5/23 (21.7%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS, 2023), MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS, 2022) Corresponding author
21. Mavindra Ramadhani, Andromeda Dwi Laksono, Chien-Lung Liang, Chiao-Yi Yang, Kuo-Jung Chen,Yee-Wen Yen*, Hsien-Ming Hsiao, “Phase equilibria of the Ag-Al-Au ternary system and interfacial reactions in the Au-xAg/Al couples at 450 °C,” Materials 16 (2023) 7196. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 3.4, 29/67 (43.3%), PHYSICS,CONDENSED MATTER, 2022)
20. Wen-Chieh Tsai, Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, “Non-epitaxial silver nanodendrite growth via helical nano-yarn bundling at intra-dendrite interface under applied bias,” Scripta Materialia 212 (2022) 114586. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 6.302, 7/79 (8.9%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2021) Corresponding author
19. Ting-Chun Lin, Chien-Lung Liang*, Shan-Bo Wang, Yung-Sheng Lin, Chin-Li Kao, David Tarng, Kwang-Lung Lin, “Inhibiting the detrimental Cu protrusion in Cu through-silicon-via by highly (111)-oriented nanotwinned Cu,” Scripta Materialia 197 (2021) 113782. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 5.611; 5/80 (6.3%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2020) Corresponding author
18. Pu-Hsin Ku, Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, “Electromigration-assisted manipulation of microstructure and properties of metals via cyclic direct current stressing,” Materials Characterization 174 (2021) 110980. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 4.342; 3/32 (9.4%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING, 2020) Corresponding author
17. Chien-Lung Liang*, Yung-Sheng Lin, Chin-Li Kao, David Tarng, Shan-Bo Wang, Yun-Ching Hung, Gao-Tian Lin, Kwang-Lung Lin, “Athermal and thermal coupling electromigration effects on the microstructure and failure mechanism in advanced fine-pitch Cu interconnects under extremely high current density,” Materials Chemistry and Physics 256 (2020) 123680. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 3.408; 115/314 (36.6%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2019) First author & corresponding author
16. Yi-Han Liao, Chang-Hsien Chen, Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, Albert T. Wu, “A comprehensive study of electromigration in pure Sn: Effects on crystallinity, microstructure, and electrical property,” Acta Materialia 200 (2020) 200-210. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 7.656; 1/79 (1.3%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2019) Corresponding author
15. Chien-Lung Liang, Yung-Sheng Lin, Chin-Li Kao, David Tarng, Shan-Bo Wang, Yun-Ching Hung, Gao-Tian Lin, Kwang-Lung Lin*, “Electromigration reliability of advanced high-density fan-out packaging with fine-pitch 2-/2-μm L/S Cu redistribution lines,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 10 (2020) 1438-1455. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 1.889; 148/266 (55.6%), ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 2019) First author
14. Jeng-Chi Lin, Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, “Investigations of high-temperature tensile properties of Zn–25Sn–x(0.1–0.2)Cu–y(0.01–0.02)Ti high-temperature Pb-free solders,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27 (2020) 1-14. [DOI] (SCIE, IF 2.220; 132/266 (49.6%), ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 2019) Corresponding author
13. Chih-Chi Shu, Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, “Electro-work hardening of metals induced by the athermal electromigration effect,” Materials Science and Engineering A 772 (2020) 138689. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 4.652; 7/79 (8.9%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2019) Corresponding author
12. Jeng-Chi Lin, Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, “Joint effects of Ti and Cu additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of Zn-25Sn-xCu-yTi high-temperature Pb-free solders,” Materials Science and Engineering A 765 (2019) 138323. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 4.081; 7/74 (9.5%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2018) Corresponding author
11. Chien-Lung Liang* and Kwang-Lung Lin, “Non-equilibrium supersaturation behavior in a Cu/Sn/Cu interconnect induced by room temperature electromigration,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 789 (2019) 336-344. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 4.175; 6/76 (7.9%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2018) First author & corresponding author
10. Wei-Ting Guo, Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, “The effects of Cu alloying on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Zn-25Sn-xCu (x=0–1.0 wt%) high temperature Pb-free solders,” Materials Science & Engineering A 750 (2019) 117-124. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 4.081; 7/74 (9.5%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2018) Corresponding author
9. Chien-Lung Liang* and Kwang-Lung Lin, “Athermal recrystallization behavior of (Sn) solid-solution at an intermetallic-free Cu/Sn interface induced by room temperature electromigration,” Materials Letters 236 (2019) 607-610. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 3.019; 101/293 (34.5%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2018) First author & corresponding author
8. Chien-Lung Liang and Kwang-Lung Lin*, “The microstructure and property variations of metals induced by electric current treatment: A review,” Materials Characterization 145 (2018) 545-555. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 2.892; 3/33 (9.1%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, CHARACTERIZATION & TESTING, 2017) First author
7. Chien-Lung Liang* and Kwang-Lung Lin, “The amorphous interphase formed in an intermetallic-free Cu/Sn couple during early stage electromigration,” Scripta Materialia 155 (2018) 58-62. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 4.163; 3/75 (4.0%), METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, 2017) First author & corresponding author
6. Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, Po-Jen Cheng, “The interfacial bilayer Cu6Sn5 formed in a Sn–Ag–Cu flip-chip solder joint incorporating Au/Pd metallization during solid-state aging,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29 (2018) 15233-15240. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 2.324; 100/260 (38.5%), ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 2017) First author & corresponding author
5. Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, Po-Jen Cheng, “The dissolution and reprecipitation behavior of the AuSn4 intermetallic compound in a solder joint during liquid-state and solid-state reactions,” Journal of Materials Science 52 (2017) 11659-11667. [DOI] (SCIE, IF =2.599; 88/275 (32.0%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2016) First author & corresponding author
4. Chien-Lung Liang*, Ssu-Wei Lee, Kwang-Lung Lin, “The mechanism of an increase in electrical resistance in Al thin film induced by current stressing,” Thin Solid Films 636 (2017) 164-170. [DOI] (SCIE, IF =1.879; 6/19 (31.6%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS, 2016) First author & corresponding author
3. Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, Po-Jen Cheng, “Effect of Au/Pd bilayer metallization on solder/Cu interfacial reaction and growth kinetics of Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds during solid-state aging,” Surface and Coatings Technology 319 (2017) 55-60. [DOI] (SCIE, IF =2.589; 4/19 (21.1%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS, 2016) First author & corresponding author
2. Chien-Lung Liang*, Kwang-Lung Lin, Jr-Wei Peng, “Microstructural evolution of intermetallic compounds in TCNCP Cu pillar solder joints,” Journal of Electronic Materials 45 (2016) 51-56. [DOI] (SCIE, IF =1.491; 109/257 (42.4%), ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 2015) First author & corresponding author
1. Yi-Han Liao, Chien-Lung Liang, Kwang-Lung Lin*, Albert T. Wu, “High dislocation density of tin induced by electric current,” AIP Advances 5 (2015) 127210. [DOI] (SCIE, IF = 1.524; 137/260 (52.7%), MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2014)