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Kinetics and Phase Transformation of Materials

Semester: 2

Course Code: TX3310302

Credits: 3

Required/Elective: Required

EMI: Yes

Undergraduate/Graduate: Undergraduate

Course Objectives:

As an extension of Materials Science (I) and (II), this course will explain the physical metallurgical behavior in metallic materials from three perspectives: processing, structures, and properties. It will introduce the fundamental principles of dislocations (Chapter 4 and Chapter 5), grain boundaries (Chapter 6), annealing phenomena (Chapter 8), solid solutions (Chapter 9), diffusion (Chapter 12 and Chapter 13), and precipitation (Chapter 16) using the classic textbook “Reed-Hill’s Physical Metallurgy Principles.” Students who take this course will learn more about material structures, how structures dictate properties, and how processing can change structures.


Outline of Lectures:

The following schedule may be rearranged as needed.

Chapter 0: Introduction to the course

Chapter 1: Introduction to dislocations

Chapter 2: Dislocations and plastic deformations

Chapter 3: Elements of grain boundaries

Chapter 4: Annealing

Chapter 5: Solid Solutions

Chapter 6: Diffusion in Substitutional Solid Solutions

Chapter 7: Interstitial Diffusion

Chapter 8: Precipitation hardening


Method of Instruction:

100% Lecture



Reza. Abbaschian, Lara. Abbaschian, and Robert E. Reed-Hill, “Physical Metallurgy Principles,” 4th Edition, SI Edition, Cengage Learning.



Reza. Abbaschian, Lara. Abbaschian, and Robert E. Reed-Hill, “Physical Metallurgy Principles,” 4th Edition, SI Edition, Cengage Learning


William D. Callister, Jr. and David G. Rethwisch, "Callister's Materials Science and Engineering, 10th Edition," Global Edition, Wiley


1. Attendance 20% (Survey on the random dates)

2. Quiz 20% (Open-book)

3. Midterm exam 30% (Closed-book)

4. Final exam 30% (Closed-book)


Note 1: The questions for exams will 100% come from the ppt slides.

Note 2: The questions will be expressed in English, but the solutions to the questions can be answered in Chinese.

Note 3: The exams will be fundamental and straightforward. So, please don't cheat!



Office hours: Please feel free to email me anytime if you have questions.

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